Josh Stepkovitch
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
– Theodore Roosevelt
Whether you’re just getting started, or looking to up your max effort in deadlifts, squats & bench presses, Josh can help get you there.

about josh
Josh Stepkovitch began his fitness journey back in 2016 through Crossfit, when he entered a wide array of individual, partner and group competitions. He discovered a love for pushing his body to its limits in weightlifting and gymnastic movements. Barbell movements are his specialty, and Olympic weightlifting one of his biggest passions.
Whether you’re just getting started on your fitness journey, or you’re looking to up your max effort in deadlifts, squats, bench presses, Josh can help get you there, with his knowledge and expertise – and you’ll enjoy the process, with a laugh along the way!
- Olympic Weightlifting
- Powerlifting
- Strength & Conditioning
- Hypertrophy
- Weight Loss
- Sprint Training
training philosophy
Do what makes you happy. Life is too short to stress about where you think you should be. Just soak it all in and be grateful for each day. Be kind, especially to yourself. Accept that every training session isn’t going to be as ideal as you set it out to be – we are human beings, not robots.
If you get yelled at by your boss at work, your partner was annoyed at you, you’re having a rough day, you might not perform everything you set out to in your program that day, and that’s OK. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but a brick was laid every day. You have the opportunity to lay a brick that will build yourself into what you’re setting out to achieve. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, so track your progress. And if you’re unsure, get a professional to show you the way. Last but not least, walking to the gym is not a warm up 😉
education, experience & achievements
- Certificates III & IV in Fitness
- Crossfit Level 1 Trainer
- Fitness Playground Marrickville “PT’s PT Award” 2021
- Fitness Playground Marrickville “Rookie of the Year” Award 2020
- Sonny Webster Weightlifting Seminar
- Sebastian Oreb & Dr Andrew Locks “Deconstructing the Gym Lifts” Course
3 fun facts
- I can handstand-walk the length of a basketball court.
- I own a compound bow that I enjoy shooting at the archery range.
- I love craft beer.
sounds of josh
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