• Welcome to Your Membership with One Playground.
  • Your Membership is governed by Our Membership Terms.
  • By submitting an Enrolment for Membership which is accepted by Us, You enter into a Contract with Us and agree to become a Member subject to the Membership Terms.
  • It is important You have read and understood all the Membership Terms prior to signing or submitting an Enrolment for Membership. If You have any questions, please ask Us before You sign or submit Your Enrolment for Membership.
  • We reserve the right to reject any Enrolment for Membership at Our sole discretion.
  • If the Contract differs from anything You are told at a Gym or over the phone, the Contract applies unless you have received written confirmation from Us agreeing to any such differences.
  • Once Your Enrolment for Membership is accepted, Your Membership will commence on the Membership Start Date.


  • Words and expressions used in these terms and conditions, unless otherwise expressed have the following meanings:
  • Benefits mean all goods, services and facilities, including Gyms, provided or supplied by Us or Our approved third parties which You receive or are entitled to use because of Your Membership.
  • Contract means the contract between You and Us for Your Membership which consist of the Enrolment for Membership and the Membership Terms.
  • Contract means the contract between You and Us for Your Membership which consist of the Enrolment for Membership and the Membership Terms.
  • DDR means a Direct Debit Request under which You authorise us or a Billing Services Provider to deduct payments for Your Membership fees from a bank account or credit card nominated by You.
  • Enrolment for Membership means the form, as required by Us in such format as We approve from time to time, for a person to submit a request for Membership to Us.
  • Gym means a One Playground gym.
  • Membership means Your membership with Us which provides you with the Benefits in accordance with the Contract.
  • Membership Start Date means the date notified by Us to You once we accept Your Enrolment for Membership.
  • Membership Terms means these membership terms and conditions and the Rules.
  • Paid in Full means that the minimum fee commitments required for a Membership, which is not on a “no commitment” basis, are paid upfront, rather than on an instalment basis.
  • Party means either You or Us as the context required and Parties means You and Us collectively.
  • Rules mean the rules of conduct that apply to all Members, guests and visitors of any Gym and which are found on signage and handouts at the Gym or on Our Website.
  • Staffed Hours means times, as determined by Us from time to time when one of Our employees or authorised contractors or agents is physically present at a Gym to supervise Members and their guests.
  • We, Us, Our or One Playground means collectively One Playground Surry Hills Pty Ltd, ACN 166 906 850, One Playground (M & E) Pty Ltd, ACN 604 098 348, One Playground NT Pty Ltd, ACN 614 393 752 and One Playground Group Pty Ltd, ACN 649 833 081 including any related body corporate or related entity as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) their successors in title and assigns and their employees, servants and agents.
  • Website means the content found at the domain
  • You, Your, Yourself means the person specified as the member in Your Enrolment for Membership.
  • Any liability incurred by We, Us, Our or One Playground is incurred severally by those parties set out in the definition.


  • When you attend a Gym or use any Benefits You must abide by the Rules.
  • If You breach any Rules:
  • We will respond in a way which we consider fair and reasonable about the nature and severity of the breach which may include
  • a written warning; or
  • suspension or cancellation of Your membership.
  1. which causes Us or another person cost, loss or damage, You indemnify and will keep indemnified Us or that person for such cost, loss or damage.


  • The Benefits You receive with Your Membership and the Gym to which Your Membership is attached are determined by the membership category you select and Gym you nominate in your Enrolment for Membership.
  • You may be required to participate in an orientation or induction to familiarise Yourself with the Benefits or the operations of a Gym and it is Your responsibility to book in an orientation or induction.
  • We reserve the right to introduce, withdraw or vary membership categories by providing You thirty (30) days written notice.
  • Membership categories are those set out in the Enrolment for Membership form on our Website from time to time.
  • Membership duration is either:
  • a “12-month minimum term” which requires a minimum of twenty-six (26) fortnightly payments followed by rolling membership until Your Membership is terminated in accordance with the Membership Terms or;
  • “no commitment” which only requires fortnightly payments, without any minimum commitment, until Your Membership is terminated in accordance with the Membership Terms.
  1. If an organisation is seeking to provide its personnel with access to Our Benefits, We may provide a “Corporate Membership” which gives that organisation’s personnel additional benefits, such as discounts on membership fees or a discounted joining fee.
  2. Benefits from a Corporate Membership only continue so long as:
  • You are engaged with the organisation to which we have agreed to give a Corporate Membership; or
  • until we terminate the Corporate Membership with that organisation.
  1. If You use a Corporate Membership, You will be asked from time to time to produce evidence of Your continued engagement with that organisation to Us and if You fail to produce evidence to Our reasonable satisfaction, We may:
  • ask You to reimburse Us for any discounts You have received from the time You were not entitled to any Corporate Membership benefits; and
  • reset Your Membership fees to the standard membership rate.
  1. All billing and membership changes must be submitted on the required form at Your nominated Gym and accepted and signed by one of Our authorised staff, either in electronic or hardcopy form. No changes will be made via email, in person or over the phone without the appropriate form being submitted.


  • Full details of normal opening hours are available on the Website and at the entrance of each Gym.
  • We may vary Staffed Hours or temporarily close certain areas of any Gym from time to time without notice for cleaning, decorating, repairs, renovations or for special functions, press events and holidays.
  • We do not reduce Your Membership fees because a Gym is closed for renovations or a public holiday.
  • If We suspend a Gym’s operation or associated Benefits, temporarily or permanently, We will send You a written notice offering You a transfer to another Gym within a radius of 20km from your nominated Gym.
  • Upon joining a Gym, You will be given an access key and You consent to have Your photograph taken by that Gym to confirm Your identity upon entry.
  • You must present Your access key for security and verification on each visit to a Gym.
  • If You visit a Gym without a valid access key or photo identification, We may refuse You entry.
  • You should not ask or expect Our staff or any other person to let you into the Gym at any time if You do not have Your access key.
  • You may not loan Your access key or permit it to be used by any other person.
  • If an access key is misused by You, Your membership may be terminated and the access key confiscated by Us.
  • Any lost or misplaced access keys will be replaced at a cost of $30.00 payable by You upon the issue of the new access key.
  • If You provide access to non-members without the written consent of Our staff, You will be liable to pay a fee of $50.00 which is payable immediately and Your membership may be suspended or cancelled by Us. Alternatively, You authorise Us to direct debit the $50.00 from your bank account or credit card.
  • If You are ever not sure how to operate any equipment properly, You must ask one of Our employees to demonstrate the use of the equipment before You use it.
  • We are not responsible and accept no liability for any injury to You or any other person caused by Your improper use of any of Our equipment.
  • Horseplay, vulgar language, anti-social behaviour, abuse of equipment or any other inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. You may be asked to leave the Gym and it may also result in suspension or cancellation of Your Membership, with a cancellation fee.
  • You are solely responsible for any damage which You may cause to Yourself, other members and One Playground including but not limited to Our facilities, services, products or equipment if such damage is caused by Your wilful act or negligence.
  • If You choose to use a Gym outside the Staffed Hours, You do so at your own risk. You must be cautious when entering, leaving a Gym and using a Gym.
  • While on Our premises You must follow any reasonable direction of Our employees and contractors relating to health, safety or security or related matters.


Paid-in-full memberships for guests and/or visitors are as follows:

  • Casual Visit: allows You one-off access to the Gym only for the same day; and
  • Casual Visit for Group Classes: allows You one-off access to one class only for the same day.


  • You warrant You have made, and will continue for the duration of Your Membership, make Us aware of any medical conditions or health problems which may be exacerbated by participating in physical exercise and have, for any current condition obtained, and for any future condition will obtain clearance from a registered medical practitioner to participate in physical exercise.
  • You acknowledge and agree:
  • You are aware of the possible health and safety risks associated with participating in physical activity and willingly engage in exercise which may from time to time be strenuous;
  • exercising and using the Benefits may involve risk of injury and You exercise and use the Gym at Your own risk;
  • if Your medical conditions change, You must inform us and will need to sign and complete a medical form;
  • You will not attend any Gym or utilise any other Benefits if You are suffering from illness, disease, injury or any other condition that could present a risk to the health or safety of other members, guests, Our employees or Yourself;
  • Our employees and contractors are not medically trained and cannot and will not provide You with medical advice regarding Your medical fitness or health and any information on these topics is not professional advice and only a guide as to the perceived limitations of Your exercise ability;
  • We reserve the right to refuse entry or terminate Your Membership if, in Our reasonable opinion, You do not satisfy the medical or physical conditions required to safely participate in any activities offered by Us and which can be utilised with Your Membership;
  • You will not conduct Yourself in a manner which will or may cause harm or discomfort to Yourself or other members;
  • to immediately notify Our employees or contractors of:
  • any injuries You sustain in a Gym or while undertaking any of Our activities; or
  • injury or changes in Your health which may impact Your ability to continue Your exercise program or use the associated Benefits provided by Us; and
  1. You may need to receive medical treatment, in the event of an injury, accident or illness while at a Gym or undertaking Our activities and you consent to receiving such medical treatment.

8. AGE

  • If You are under 18 years old, a parent or guardian must sign all documents required by Us and must accompany You at the Gym.
  • We reserve the right to refuse You access to the Gym if You are under the age of 18 and attend the Gym without Your parent or guardian present.
  • If You are under 18 years old, You are not allowed entry to the Gym outside of the Staffed Hours.
  • Your parent or guardian acknowledges and agrees to be fully responsible for all claims, actions, damages, injuries and loss to property and any other person, which is caused by You.
  • If you are under 18 years old, We may recommend the use of a personal trainer to You.
  • We may ask You for a doctor’s clearance and require You to obtain an exercise program from a personal trainer before You are allowed access to the Gym.
  • By signing the Enrolment for Membership on Your behalf, Your parent or guardian acknowledges and agrees to be a party to the Contract and is responsible for ensuring that Your membership fees are paid and up to date.


  • You may cancel Your Membership at any time during the first thirty (30) days from Your Membership Start Date (the 30 Day Satisfaction).
  • To cancel Your Membership during the 30 Day Satisfaction, You must attend your nominated Gym, sign and submit the forms required by Us and return the access key.
  • If you have used Your Membership during the 30 Day Satisfaction, we will refund any amounts payable to You, less any guest fees for each visit, the fees for any training packages or other Benefits You have received and a reasonable administration charge. There will be no refund provided for the access key or personal training packages.
  • After the 30 Day Satisfaction has expired, You agree to the minimum term of Your Membership as specified in the Enrolment for Membership.


  • You are personally responsible for payment to Us of Your Membership fees as and when they fall due.
  • Your Membership fees are payable in advance in accordance with the Membership category selected on Your Enrolment for Membership. A pro rata payment will apply if Your Membership Start Date is not in line with the billing schedule set by Us.
  • We reserve the right to use the services of Billing Services Providers to process and deduct Membership fee payments.
  • If the direct debit option is taken, Your membership fees will be directly debited from Your nominated bank account or credit card. By nominating a credit or debit account, You authorise Us and our Billing Services Providers to deduct from that account all fees and other charges you are responsible for under the Membership Terms. Section 11 sets out more details of our arrangements with our Billing Services Providers.
  • It is Your responsibility to ensure that You have sufficient funds in Your nominated bank account when the fortnightly payments are to be directly debited. If there is insufficient funds in Your nominated bank account, or there is another reason that Your account was unable to be debited, You will be responsible for any administration fees and or collection fees charged by Us and any Billing Services Providers.
  • If You fall into arrears in respect of any Membership fees payable, all arrears must be paid by You in full before You can use any Gym or receive further Benefits and You authorise Us to deduct any arrears from Your nominated bank account or credit card provided to Us at any time without further notice to You.
  • If You do not pay Your Membership fees when due We reserve the right to:
  • charge a late payment fee for any overdue amounts. This charge may change at any time in amount or frequency;
  • charge an administration fee to forward any outstanding accounts to a third-party party collection agency;
  • terminate Your Membership; or
  • suspend Your Membership and disable Your access key to refuse You entry to any Gym until full payment has been made to Us or Our collection agency.
  1. We are not liable for any fees incurred by You from Your designated bank or card provider for any late fees or charges incurred for failing to meet the direct debit agreement with Us or our Billing Services Providers.
  2. If You seek to terminate the Contract or stop the automatic debit arrangement in a manner not prescribed in the Membership Terms, You may be liable to Us for damages for breach of contract.
  3. You must tell Us if you are transferring or closing Your account or card, at least 7 days before Your next direct debit. You must also tell Us about any changes to Your account or credit card, such as an expiry date or number, at least 7 days before Your next direct debit.
  4. One Playground reviews Membership fees periodically and may change the Membership fees from time to time.
  5. Your Membership fees may be increased at Our discretion at any time, subject to thirty (30) days written notice to You and unless You notify Us otherwise and seek to cancel Your Membership.
  6. All Membership fees include all government taxes and rates and We reserve the right to change Your Membership fees in line with any government tax and rate changes.
  7. You authorise Us to charge any changes to your Membership fee made in accordance with sections 10 (l) and (m), and instruct any applicable Billing Services Provider to make direct debits from Your nominated bank account or credit card for those varied fees without further notice to You by Us or Our Billing Services Provider.


  • Our current Billing Services Provider is Global Payments Australia 1 Pty Ltd ACN 601 396 543 (also known as “Ezidebit”) which administers and processes direct debit arrangements agreed to by members. Ezidebit makes periodic debits from your nominated bank account or credit card on Our behalf for Your Membership fee payments at intervals and amounts as directed by Us in accordance with:
  • the Contract; and
  • the Ezidebit DDR New Customer Form and Service Agreement which you enter into when you make a DDR. A copy of this document is available upon request.
  1. Any change in Billing Services Providers by Us will be notified to You and take effect pursuant to clause 25 of the Membership Terms.
  2. Direct debits normally occur overnight, however, transactions can take up to 3 banking business days depending on your financial institution. There may also be delays in processing the debit due to:
  • a payment request being received by Ezidebit after Ezidebit’s usual cut-off time, being 3:00 pm Qld time (Monday to Friday);
  • a payment request being received by Ezidebit on a day that is not a banking business day in Sydney, NSW and Melbourne, VIC; or
  • there being a public or bank holiday on the day when the debit transaction is due to be processed or on any of the following days until the debit is processed.
  1. Ezidebit charges fees for using its direct debit service. However, Ezidebit’s fees are paid by Us to Ezidebit directly and no other fee is payable by You to Ezidebit unless otherwise notified by Us to You pursuant to the Membership Terms.
  2. In addition to Ezidebit’s fees, We may charge You a separate ‘failed payment’ fee of AUD$9.90 if You dishonour a payment.
  3. You further acknowledge and agree:
  • You will contact Us, not Ezidebit directly if You wish to alter, defer, stop or cancel Your DDR;
  • Ezidebit is acting as a direct debit agent for Us and Ezidebit does not provide any goods or services (other than the direct debit collection services) to You for Us pursuant to the Contract and Ezidebit’s DDR New Customer Form and Service Agreement and has no express or implied liability in relation to the goods and services provided or to be provided by Us or the terms and conditions of any agreement that You have with Us;
  • any dispute regarding a debit will be directed to Us and/or Ezidebit. If no resolution is forthcoming, You will contact Your financial institution;
  • Ezidebit may attempt to re-process any unsuccessful payments as instructed by Us;
  • “Ezidebit” may appear as the merchant for a payment from Your credit card (including a debit or charge card). You acknowledge and agree Ezidebit will not be liable for any disputed transactions resulting from the supply or non-supply of goods and/or services and that all such disputes will be directed to Us, as Ezidebit is acting only as a direct debit agent for Us.
  • You appoint Ezidebit as Your agent for the control, management and protection of Your personal information (relating to Us and your DDR) which is disclosed to Ezidebit;
  • You irrevocably authorise Ezidebit to take all necessary action (which Ezidebit deems necessary) to protect and/or correct, if required, Your personal information, including (but not limited to) correcting account numbers and providing such information to relevant third parties and otherwise disclosing or allowing access to Your personal information to third parties in accordance with the Ezidebit Privacy Policy which can be found at;
  • You irrevocably authorise, direct and instruct any third party who holds/stores Your personal information (relating to Us and your DDR) to release and provide such information to Ezidebit; and
  • You authorise Ezidebit to verify with Your financial institution and/or correct details of Your account and for Your financial institution to release information allowing Ezidebit to verify Your account details.


  • For security purposes, Our Gyms are under 24-hour camera surveillance and whether You are working out, entering or leaving a Gym or restroom, Your activities are recorded.
  • You acknowledge Our surveillance system does not protect You in or on Our facilities.
  • Photography and or videography by You are not allowed anywhere in Our Gyms without Our permission.
  • You consent to having Your photograph taken at any time whilst using Our facilities and permit Us to use Your image in any such photographs for press and promotional purposes.


  • You acknowledge:
  • We may use independent contractors to provide Benefits at all Gym locations;
  • there may be other services, including personal training services, offered at Our Gyms by Us, contractors, licensees and others which are offered separately to the Benefits; and
  • We are not responsible for any services offered by any third parties including fees or any associated costs, claims or refunds.
  1. You release Us, agree not to hold Us liable and indemnify Us against any claims, demands, losses or damages suffered by You arising from Your use or acceptance of any third-party services or the negligence of such third parties.


  • If You wish to suspend Your membership, You must notify Us of Your request at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to any suspension beginning and complete Our Freeze Request Form form.
  • We will not agree to suspend Your Membership if Your Membership fees are not paid up to date or if you owe Us any other moneys.
  • The minimum suspension period is one fortnight (one fortnight equals one fortnightly debit), up to a maximum of three (3) full consecutive calendar months.
  • If You request to suspend Your membership for more than three (3) months, You must provide us with evidence to support Your request which makes You unable to reasonably utilise Your Membership and the Benefits, such as medical reasons or unavoidable absences such as relocation for work.
  • If We agree to suspend Your Membership You will not be able to use the Gym or utilise any Benefits whilst your Membership is suspended.
  • You may have one full calendar month complimentary suspension per year, (one full month equals two fortnightly debits and no more), after which a fee of $6.00 per fortnight (Suspension Fee) will apply.
  • Suspension periods will not count towards Your contractual minimum term which will be extended by the number of suspended months taken.
  • Membership may not be suspended during the notice period of a cancellation request and we will not backdate any suspension requests. You must request a suspension when You need it.
  • We will not accept pro-rata payments or suspend Your direct debits outside an approved suspension period.
  • If You are on a:
  • monthly Membership payment schedule, the Suspension Fee will be automatically direct debited from Your nominated bank account as per the payment terms outlined in the Membership Terms; or
  • Paid in Full Membership payment arrangement, You must pay Your Suspension Fee upfront.


  • You may cancel Your Membership at any time after the end of a Trial Period, however, all cancellation requests are subject to the Membership category and minimum term as outlined in Your Contract.
  • All cancellation requests require one (1) final notice payment by You to Us by sending the request to your nominated Gym via submission of our electronic Cancellation form with all required supporting evidence. All cancellation requests via phone, fax, email, SMS, social media or other mediums will not be accepted.
  • We reserve the right to deny a cancellation request if You do not fully comply with the Member Terms for cancellation.
  • You may cancel Your membership without penalty for the following reasons:
  • Medical: Your doctor must provide certification that You are unable to use the Gym for six (6) months or more, and that using the Gym and Benefits would impair Your health;
  • Relocation: If You move your permanent residence 20km from your nominated Gym location. You must provide information supporting Your relocation and provide evidence that Your relocation is permanent. For example, a utility bill, an updated driver’s licence or a one-way flight; or
  • The ‘Fair Play Option’: This is in place to reward member loyalty and encourage usage. You may cancel Your membership without cause if You have used the Gym a minimum of three (3) times per week for the last six (6) weeks prior to submitting a cancellation request. One (1) month written notice is required after the six (6) weeks of 3 times a week gym use is complete. All data is taken from Our member management system. You are responsible for ensuring accurate data can be collected. A failure to sign into the Gym upon entry or by registering the key in the entry system is Your sole responsibility.
  1. Payout Contract: If You wish to cancel Your membership for any reason other than outlined above and You are within Your minimum term, You must pay out Your Contract.


  • In addition to any other reasons set out in the Member Terms, We may terminate Your membership immediately by emailing or writing to you at the contact addresses We have on Our records if You:
  • commit a serious breach of Your Contract which is not capable of remedy;
  • repeatedly breach Your Contract irrespective of whether the failures can be remedied or not;
  • otherwise, breach Your Contract and the breach, if capable of remedy, is not remedied within 14 days of Us giving You notice to do so and informing You that Your membership will be terminated if You fail to do so;
  • fail to pay any part of your Membership fees for more than 28 days after falling due;
  • provide us with details which You know to be false when submitted on Your Enrolment for Membership Form and which may have affected Our decision to grant You membership; or
  • in the reasonable opinion of Our staff at Your nominated Gym, You are not suitable for continued membership; or
  • put the health, safety or well-being of Our staff or other members of One Playground at risk; or
  • damage Our equipment; or
  • use illegal or performance-enhancing drugs on any of Our premises.
  1. If We terminate Your membership for any of the above reasons, We may
  • (without limiting any other right or remedy) recover any other reasonable costs and expenses We may incur as a result of Your breach;
  • collect the full amount of Your Membership fees for the remainder of the then-current fortnightly billing period and any other arrears;
  • collect any Membership fees and fees that are outstanding when Your Membership is terminated; and
  • use third parties to assist in the collection of outstanding Membership fees or other moneys owed and You will be liable for these costs.


  • If you are unable to use the Gym for the remainder of Your Membership term You may apply to transfer Your Contract to another person (Transferee).
  • You are responsible for sourcing a Transferee, However, they cannot be an individual who has been a member within the last 3 months.
  • You must sign all forms required by Us in relation to any transfer and Transferee must complete an Enrolment of Membership.
  • You are responsible for providing Your access key to the Transferee once the transfer is approved.
  • We will not permit a transfer unless all fees and moneys You owe Us have been paid.


  • You cannot assign any rights or benefits under Your Contract unless you have obtained Our prior written consent.
  • We may, at any time without Your consent, assign or transfer any rights or benefits under Your Contract by providing You with written notice.


  • You may engage Us or other independent contractors on Our premises to provide personal training services by signing a personal training agreement with an authorised officer of Ours or the independent contractor.
  • All personal training sessions must be paid for by You in advance.
  • Any cancellations must be made twenty-four (24) hours prior to the personal training session directly to Your personal trainer via SMS or phone call. You are responsible for ensuring the personal trainer receives adequate notification. Failure by You to provide notice will result in forfeiting the personal training session.
  • If adequate notice is provided a make-up session must be arranged within the same fortnightly cycle otherwise Your personal training session is forfeited (unless otherwise agreed with Your personal trainer in writing).
  • If You fail to complete personal training sessions within the fortnightly cycle, We are not obliged to refund or credit personal training sessions.
  • You may place Your personal training agreement on hold by providing notice to Us at the Gym where your personal training sessions are held at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the billing date. Notice is to be provided using our electronic Suspension form. Suspensions are for set time periods only and any charges after this period will not be refunded. If You wish to use the Gym and other Benefits and suspend Your personal training fortnightly debits, the billing schedule will be amended.
  • All cancellations of a personal training agreement must be submitted in writing to Us at the Gym at which your personal training sessions are conducted via our electronic Cancellation form. The minimum notice period is two (2) weeks and depending on Your fortnightly payment schedule a pro-rata amount may apply.
  • If You:
  • have paid for personal training sessions in advance they are non-refundable; and
  • fail to provide the required notice in writing to the appropriate Gym will result in the fortnightly charge continuing and We are under no obligation to refund or perform these personal training sessions.
  1. Lifestyle Personal Training: this is a personal training membership option whereby You will receive discounted personal training sessions for committing to a minimum of twenty-four (24) sessions. Cancellations of this membership type will only be accepted once the minimum session number has been reached.


  • All bookings for group training can be made online, via the One Playground App or Website, or over the phone to the Gym.
  • You must sign in upon entry to the class and provide Your name to the group instructor signing in on the iPad or other device provided.
  • If You have not booked for a class, You are not guaranteed a position within the class and We may refuse You entry to the class.
  • If You are booked in for a class and need to cancel You are encouraged to cancel at least 10 hours prior to the class start, otherwise, it will be regarded as a Late Cancellation. We forgive 2 Late Cancellations per calendar month. However, should You miss any further classes without providing Us with at least 10 hours’ notice (by cancelling your booking via our One Playground App) You will incur a Late Cancellation charge of $5.
  • If You are booked in for a class and do not attend, You will be charged a $15 No Show fee.
  • If You Early Cancel more than 10 classes per month, We reserve the right to charge You a $5 fee per Cancellation over and above this limit or restrict your access to classes for a period of time.
  • You may downgrade Your membership and remove the group-training component of membership with fourteen (14) days’ notice to Us by filling out the relevant Membership Change form and submitting it to one of Our staff at your nominated Gym.


  • You are responsible for advising One Playground of changes to Your personal information. If Your personal contact information or other details change, You must update Us as soon as possible for billing, marketing and contacting You.
  • Where One Playground is required to provide any written notification, One Playground will send the notice to the email or home address on the Enrolment for Membership or any updated address You have provided to Us since joining.
  • Any notice sent by One Playground in accordance with this clause will be deemed received by You three (3) business days from the date of dispatch.
  • Unless otherwise expressly specified in the Member Terms, any written notice or completed form provided to One Playground must be sent by email or given in person. Only notices delivered to Us in one of these two ways will be considered valid notice.
  • We take the privacy of our members seriously and our Privacy Policy is available in the Gym and on the website at http://www.oneplay
    We take the privacy of our members seriously and our Privacy Policy is available in the Gym and on the website at
  • The Privacy Policy explains the ways in which we collect, use, store, protect and disclose your personal information.
  • We collect personal information from You to provide You with the Benefits, to administer Your membership with Us and for the other purposes described in Our Privacy Policy. In most cases, We collect Your personal information directly from You, including through your pre-exercise questionnaire, Enrolment for Membership any other forms supplied by Us and in the course of Our other communications with You, which may occur through or when you call or contact Our staff.
  • If You do not allow Us to collect Your personal information, we may not be able to provide You with some or all of the Benefits, administer Your membership with Us or conduct some or all of the other activities described in Our Privacy Policy.
  • With Your consent, we may also collect personal information which relates to Your physical health or condition, including (without limitation) when you completed Your pre-exercise questionnaire so that we can assess your general health, well-being and Your readiness for physical exercise and the other purposes set out in Our Privacy Policy. If you do not provide this information, You will not be able to use the Gym. If we believe that You have any health issue or if your pre-exercise questionnaire is not fully complete, We may require You to obtain a medical certificate before We consider Your Enrolment for Membership further.
  • In order to provide the Benefits and for the purposes set out in Our Privacy Policy, We may disclose some of Your personal information to our related bodies corporate and other persons or entities as outlined in Our Privacy Policy. Should You default on payments due to Us, We may disclose Your personal information by notifying the default to a credit reference agency or third party to obtain payment from You. Other than as set out in Our Privacy Policy, We will not share Your personal information without Your consent unless we are required to do so by law.
  • Our Privacy Policy explains how You may access and correct the personal information that we hold about You. It also sets out how You may conduct Us to complain about a breach of the Privacy Act, and how We will deal with such a complaint. If You have any questions or concerns about privacy or if You would like further information about Our privacy practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
  • have paid for personal training sessions in advance they are non-refundable; and
  • fail to provide the required notice in writing to the appropriate Gym will result in the fortnightly charge continuing and We are under no obligation to refund or perform these personal training sessions.
  1. Lifestyle Personal Training: this is a personal training membership option whereby You will receive discounted personal training sessions for committing to a minimum of twenty-four (24) sessions. Cancellations of this membership type will only be accepted once the minimum session number has been reached.


  • If You are using the internet and social media in the Gym and on Our facilities, You must abide by the terms of use and applicable Member Terms.
  • You are personally responsible for the content that You publish online, whether in a blog, social network or social computing site or any other form of user-generated media.
  • We advise mindfulness, that what You publish will be public for a long time. In the circumstances, You agree to protect Your privacy and take care to understand a site’s terms of service.
  • You acknowledge and agree to be careful when sharing Your location and to protect Your privacy and security.
  • We are not responsible or liable for any breach of Your privacy, security or harassment or bullying which You may encounter online or while using Our internet, shared network or machinery.


  • Under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA), we guarantee the services we supply are:
  • provided with due care and skill;
  • fit for any purpose You have told Us You are using the services for or for a result which You have told us You wish to achieve;
  • supplied within a reasonable time.
  1. By entering into the Contract, you agree, to the extent allowed by section 139A of the CCA, to exclude or modify our liability to you for death or injury from our failure to comply with ACL guarantees.
  2. This exclusion does not apply if your death or injury is caused by our “reckless conduct” (as defined in the CCA).
  3. Nothing in the Membership Terms excludes, restricts or modifies any terms; conditions; warranties; guarantees, rights or remedies which cannot be lawfully excluded, restricted or modified. Otherwise, unless expressly included in the Membership Terms, all implied terms, conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights or remedies that can be lawfully excluded are excluded. In particular, but subject to the above, we are not liable for death or injury caused by Our negligence or breach of implied terms that the Benefits will be provided with reasonable care and skill at common law. This does not exclude Our liability for reckless conduct.
  4. Subject to any breach by Us of the Membership Terms or Our legal obligations You acknowledge and agree that Us, Our directors or nominated agents, contractors, staff or shareholders are not liable for any loss, damage or personal injury suffered by You, whether directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission by Us, Our directors, agents, contractors, staff or shareholders.
  5. You acknowledge sole responsibility for any personal equipment or belongings. You promise not to unnecessarily bring valuables into the Gym. One Playground will not be held liable for any loss, damage or theft of property belonging to or brought onto the Gym by You or a Guest unless such event is due to the negligence of One Playground.
  6. You agree to pay Us for any loss and damage to the Gym or any of Our property caused by You or Your guest through a wilful, wrongful or negligent act or as a result of Your, or their breach of the Membership Terms.


  • One Playground has an emergency or crisis response procedure which is displayed in Our Gyms and must be followed by You in any emergencies.
  • You acknowledge and agree first aid kits are not available outside the Staffed Hours.
  • provided with due care and skill;
  • fit for any purpose You have told Us You are using the services for or for a result which You have told us You wish to achieve;
  • supplied within a reasonable time.


  • One Playground may amend the Membership Terms and will display any changes in the Gym or on the Website. This includes changes to any Gym’s opening and closing hours, Benefits and Membership fees.
  • Any changes will be effective immediately and You will be deemed to have accepted them by continuing to use Your Membership.


  • If you have any concerns about a Gym or the Benefits or anything else in relation to Your membership, You should first raise it with Our staff and if You are not happy with the response, You may make a complaint to the Gym Manager, who’s details can be obtained from the Gym office during staffed hours.
  • If you believe a member of Our staff, independent contractor or another member harassed You, please make Us and the appropriate authorities aware immediately.


  • If your nominated Gym is relocated for any reason, outside of Our control, We will offer You a transfer to another Gym within a 20km radius of your nominated Gym.
  • If your nominated Gym is relocated and You are within the 20km radius of your nominated Gym, You are not entitled to cancel Your Membership.


  • We are not responsible if You cannot use a Gym because of an event caused by a natural force (such as fire or flood) or a road or building closure or something similar beyond our reasonable control. If this continues for more than thirty (30) days, then we will offer you a transfer to another Gym within a 20km radius of your nominated Gym.
  • The failure by Us to enforce any of Our rights at any time for any period is not to be construed as a waiver of these rights. 
  • Any failure by Us to identify or act upon a breach of Your Contract is not to be deemed to be an affirmation by Us that Your behaviour is acceptable.
  • If a Court decides that any section of the Contract is invalid or unenforceable, that section will be deleted from the Contract.
  • The laws of New South Wales apply to the Contract.


  1. 29. 1. By participating in this Competition, Entrants accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, including the Schedule below.
  2. 29. 2. The One Playground 10th Birthday Giveaway will commence from 7AM AEST on 07.06.2024 and run until 8.00AM AEST on 29.06.2024.
  3. 29. 3. Entrants must be 18 years of age or above at the time of the Competition to be eligible.
  4. 29. 4. This giveaway is open to residents of Australia.
  5. 29. 5. Directors and employees of the Promoter or its related companies or affiliates are not eligible to enter.
  6. 29. 6. Entries will be received via tagged stories, comments on the specified Instagram post and also via specified landing pages. Multiple entries will be permitted.
  7. 29. 7. Entries must comply with these terms and conditions and follow the rules of entry to be valid.
  8. 29. 8. The Promoter will collect and use each Entrant’s personal information for the purpose of:
    • 29. 8. a. conducting the Competition (which may include disclosure to third parties for the purpose of conducting the Competition;
    • 29. 8. b. providing information about the products and services offered by the Promoter and its related companies and affiliates;
    • 29. 8. c. research to improve its product and services.
  9. 29. 9. By entering the Competition, Entrants consent to the use of their personal information.
  10. 29. 10. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to request verification of the age, identity or any other information relevant to participation in the Competition of all Entrants. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant who provides false information.
  11. 29. 11. The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to accept entries which are incomplete, indecipherable, offensive, do not comply with these terms and conditions or which contravene any applicable laws or regulations.
  12. 29. 12. The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Entrant who has breached any of these terms and conditions, has engaged in unlawful or improper conduct or otherwise acts to cheat or undermine the fairness of the Competition by, for example, tampering with, or using or exploiting errors in, the entry process to obtain a competitive advantage over other Entrants.
  13. 29. 13. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost, misdirected or damaged entries or other communications.
  14. 29. 14. The Prize is not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash.
  15. 29. 15. If a Prize is unavailable for reasons beyond the Promoter’s control, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a prize of equal or greater monetary value. This right is subject to any applicable legislation, regulations or directions from a regulatory authority.
  16. 29. 16. The Winner’s use of the Prize is entirely at their own risk. Before a Prize is awarded, a Winner may be required to sign an agreement to release the Promoter from and indemnifying the Promoter against any liability arising from the Winner’s acceptance and use of the Prize and the Winner’s participation in the Competition.
  17. 29. 17. The Competition is a game of Chance. The Winners will be selected at random. The Promotor’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  18. 29. 18. At the time and date specified in the “Winner” section of the Schedule, each valid entry will be entered into a process of random selection.
  19. 29. 19. The winning entry or entries will be the entry or entries that are selected at a random draw.
  20. 29. 20. The number of winning entries to be selected will be the same as the total number of Prizes specified in the Schedule.
  21. 29. 21. The Promoter’s decision will be final and binding and no correspondence with Entrants or any other person will be entered into.
  22. 29. 22. The Promoter will provide the Winner with instructions on how to claim their Prize via Instagram DM. It is the responsibility of the Winner to comply with the Promoter’s instructions.
  23. 29. 23. The Promoter reserves the right to request the Winner to provide proof of their identity and/or proof that they were responsible for the winning entry.
  24. 29. 24. The Winner agrees to participate and cooperate, as required, in all publicity activities relating to the Competition, including, without limitation, being interviewed, photographed, filmed and recorded. The Winner authorizes the Promoter to use such content for advertising and publicity purposes in any media in perpetuity worldwide.
  25. 29. 25. It is the responsibility of each Entrant to notify the Promoter of any change to their contact details.
  26. 29. 26. The Promoter will take all reasonable steps to identify and notify the Winner in an attempt to ensure that the Winner receives their Prize. However, if the Winner cannot be identified or does not claim the Prize within three days of the date on which the Winner is determined, their Prize is forfeited and will be awarded to the next best entry.
  27. 29. 27. Any Prize supplied by a third party supplier is subject to the terms and conditions of that third party supplier. Each Prize may come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. If those guarantees are not complied with, then you will have rights under the Australian Consumer Law. Subject to those guarantees and rights, the Promoter shall not be liable and excludes all liability (including negligence) for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss) for damage to property, personal injury or death suffered or sustained in connection with the Competition or the use or taking of any Prize except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law including as provided for under the Australian Consumer Law.
  28. 29. 28. The Promoter reserves the right to vary the terms of, or cancel, the Competition at any time without liability to any Entrant or other person, subject to applicable laws.
  29. 29. 29. This giveaway is not in any way affiliated with Instagram or Meta Business.
  30. 29. 30. By entering the Giveaway, you acknowledge and agree that your information (including name, email address, and any other information collected during entry) may be shared with the giveaway partner for marketing purposes.
© One Playground (M&E) Pty Ltd and One Playground Surry Hills, 2022