Meet Sydney’s Best Personal Trainers

Meet Our Personal Trainers



Alek Leyland

Alek Leyland
Alek Leyland
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Hypertrophy
  • Body Composition
  • Conditioning
  • Muscular Endurance Training
  • Powerlifting Training and Competition Prep
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Alex Dos Santos

Alex Dos Santos
Alex Dos Santos
Specialises in:
  • Weight Loss
  • Body Composition
  • Strength Training
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Alexander Hobbs

Alexander Hobbs
Alexander Hobbs
Specialises in:
  • Injury / Movement Rehabilitation
  • Athletic Performance / Sport-Specific Training
  • Boxing Training
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Amie Hession

Amie Hession
Amie Hession
Specialises in:
  • Building Muscle & Strength
  • Functional Training To Assist in Sports
  • Plant-Based, Vegetarian & Pescetarian Diets
  • Toning and Fat Loss
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Andrea Vidotto

Andrea Vidotto
Andrea Vidotto
Specialises in:
  • Strength Training, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics
  • Weight Loss & Body Transformations
  • Mobility
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Barry O’Sullivan

Barry O’Sullivan
Barry O’Sullivan
Specialises in:
  • Muscular Hypertrophy
  • Fat Loss
  • Dietary Adherence
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Ben Gillies

Ben Gillies
Ben Gillies
Specialises in:
  • Weight loss
  • Body Composition
  • Hypertrophy
  • Nutrition Guidance and Education
  • Technical Lifting for intermediate weightlifters who want to improve
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Blanche Beatty

Blanche Beatty
Blanche Beatty
Specialises in:
  • Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
  • Strength Training
  • Pad Holding (Boxing)
  • Fat Loss and Body Recomposition
  • Technique Specialist
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Bree Cordery

Bree Cordery
Bree Cordery
Specialises in:
  • Body composition
  • Nutrition
  • Building muscle
  • Functional strength
  • Improving posture
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Can Cui

Can Cui
Can Cui
Specialises in:
  • Confidence and Mindset
  • Strength and Movement
  • Body Recomposition (fat loss, muscle growth)
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Chris Mavros

Chris Mavros
Chris Mavros
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Powerlifting
  • Calisthenics
  • Injury Prevention & Mobility
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Cosette Jackson

Cosette Jackson
Cosette Jackson
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Function
  • Movement Fundamentals
  • Gymnastics
  • Pre- and Post-Natal Exercise
  • Habit Formation
  • Nutrition
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Daniela Areco

Daniela Areco
Daniela Areco
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Calisthenics
  • Mobility
  • Pregnancy
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Dilawar Khan

Dilawar Khan
Dilawar Khan
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Hypertrophy
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset
  • Mobility
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Eduardo Rotiroti

Eduardo Rotiroti
Eduardo Rotiroti
Specialises in:
  • Injury Prevention, Management & Rehabilitation
  • Postural Retraining & Pilates
  • Strength Conditioning
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El Mehdi As Salih

El Mehdi As Salih
El Mehdi As Salih
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Muscle Building
  • Fat Loss
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Emmanuel Suarez

Emmanuel Suarez
Emmanuel Suarez
Specialises in:
  • Injury Prehabilitation & Rehabilitation
  • Postural and Imbalance Alignment
  • Strength and Performance
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Enif Alvarez

Enif Alvarez
Enif Alvarez
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Performance
  • Olympic Weightlifting
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Erica Maroun

Erica Maroun
Erica Maroun
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Boxing
  • Pre- and Post-Natal
  • Confidence-Building
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Gemma Lewis

Gemma Lewis
Gemma Lewis
Specialises in:
  • Calisthenics
  • Aerial Conditioning
  • Gymnastics
  • Strength
  • Injury Rehab
  • Mobility and Flexibility
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Gustavo Barbosa

Gustavo Barbosa
Gustavo Barbosa
Specialises in:
  • Nutrition Coaching
  • Behaviour Change
  • Strength Training
  • Body Composition (Weight Loss/Hypertrophy)
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Hamish McShane

Hamish McShane
Hamish McShane
Specialises in:
  • General Population Strength Training
  • Acute Pain Rehabilitation
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Hanna Riley

Hanna Riley
Hanna Riley
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Mindset
  • Women’s Health
  • Pre/post Natal
  • Body Recomposition
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Ilena Susup

Ilena Susup
Ilena Susup
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Calisthenics
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Jack Bowen

Jack Bowen
Jack Bowen
Specialises in:
  • Turning the Average Non-Gym-Goer Onto Training
  • Helping You Achieve Firsts (Chin-Ups, Push-Ups) – and Anything Else You Ever Thought You Couldn’t Do
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Jack Corbett

Jack Corbett
Jack Corbett
Specialises in:
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Mental Health Recovery
  • Sports Performance
  • Strength Training
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Jacqueline Marinkovic

Jacqueline Marinkovic
Jacqueline Marinkovic
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Pre- and Post-Natal Exercise
  • Menopause
  • Weight Loss
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Jacqueline Thomson

Jacqueline Thomson
Jacqueline Thomson
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Hypertrophy
  • Fat Loss
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset
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Jamie Reeson

Jamie Reeson
Jamie Reeson
Specialises in:
  • Weight Loss
  • Strength
  • Body Composition
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Jen Irvine

Jen Irvine
Jen Irvine
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Running & endurance events
  • Injury rehab
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Jlenia Sagaria

Jlenia Sagaria
Jlenia Sagaria
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Fat Loss
  • Conditioning
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Joey Bowling

Joey Bowling
Joey Bowling
Specialises in:
  • Strength Development & Physical Conditioning
  • Boxing/Muay Thai Technique & Fitness
  • Mental Strength, Building Confidence & Loving Relationship with Fitness
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Jose Da Rocha

Jose Da Rocha
Jose Da Rocha
Specialises in:
  • Evidence-Based Strength and Conditioning
  • Speed Agility and Quickness
  • Sports-specific Strength and Conditioning
  • Fat Loss and Body Composition
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Josh Bartolotto

Josh Bartolotto
Josh Bartolotto
Specialises in:
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle build
  • Sport Specific Training
  • Creating a supportive and engaging training environment
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Josh Stepkovitch

Josh Stepkovitch
Josh Stepkovitch
Specialises in:
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Powerlifting
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Hypertrophy
  • Weight Loss
  • Sprint Training
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Juan De La Arena

Juan De La Arena
Juan De La Arena
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Lower Back Pain Management
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Kylie Jackes

Kylie Jackes
Kylie Jackes
Specialises in:
  • Fat Loss (Also Known as “Toning”)
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Nutrition Science
  • Instructor for: Boxing, Dance, Spin & Kettlebell Group Fitness
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Liam McQuinn

Liam McQuinn
Liam McQuinn
Specialises in:
  • Movement and Calisthenics
  • Endurance Sports
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Luciano Terilli

Luciano Terilli
Luciano Terilli
Specialises in:
  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Building
  • Education on Programming, Nutrition & Lifestyle
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Luke Tebbutt-Russell

Luke Tebbutt-Russell
Luke Tebbutt-Russell
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Sports Specific
  • Injury Rehab/Prehab
  • Hypertrophy
  • Fat Loss
  • Mindset and Mental Health
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Matt Cordelle

Matt Cordelle
Matt Cordelle
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Beginner-Level Injury Rehabilitation
  • Hypertrophy
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Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh
Matt Walsh
Specialises in:
  • Male Body Composition
  • Olympic Weightlifting
  • Injury Rehab
  • Strength & Conditioning for Sport
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Matty McCormick

Matty McCormick
Matty McCormick
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Toning
  • Fat Loss
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Mel Spencer

Mel Spencer
Mel Spencer
Specialises in:
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Pre and postnatal
  • Performance
  • Confidence building
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Micaela Andino

Micaela Andino
Micaela Andino
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Lower Back Pain Management
  • Pre- and Post-Natal Training
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Mihelca Gustin

Mihelca Gustin
Mihelca Gustin
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Body recompositioning (fat loss, muscle growth)
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Natalie Woods

Natalie Woods
Natalie Woods
Specialises in:
  • Female Strength
  • Female Body Transformations
  • Lifestyle, Mindset and Nutrition Coaching
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Olek Cieslak

Olek Cieslak
Olek Cieslak
Specialises in:
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Mental Health
  • Injury Rehab 
  • Healthy Habit Development
  • Exercise for ADHD.


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Oliver Hobbs

Oliver Hobbs
Oliver Hobbs
Specialises in:
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Body Composition
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Orlando “Olly” Vieira

Orlando “Olly” Vieira
Orlando “Olly” Vieira
Specialises in:
  • Boxing Fundamentals
  • Strength & Hypertrophy
  • Fat Loss
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Rauraidh Purnell

Rauraidh Purnell
Rauraidh Purnell
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Speed & Agility Training
  • Power Development
  • Late Stage Injury Rehabilitation
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Ray Bishop

Ray Bishop
Ray Bishop
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Military Training (HITT)
  • Performance speed & agility
  • Winter sports Skiing/ Snowboarding / Rugby
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Rob Knee

Rob Knee
Rob Knee
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Hypertrophy/Body Composition
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Robbie Durrant

Robbie Durrant
Robbie Durrant
Specialises in:
  • Calisthenics
  • Strength and Muscle Gain
  • Mobility
  • Injury Rehabilitation
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Robi McDonald

Robi McDonald
Robi McDonald
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Conditioning & Endurance
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Mindset & Habit Change
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Samuel Norton

Samuel Norton
Samuel Norton
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Martial Arts
  • Injury Rehabilitation & Prevention
  • Power Development
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Shane Millward

Shane Millward
Shane Millward
Specialises in:
  • Weight Loss
  • Muscle Growth
  • Strength & Conditioning
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Nutrition
  • Confidence, health & wellbeing
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Sharan Raja

Sharan Raja
Sharan Raja
Specialises in:
  • Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Body composition
  • Mindset
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Simon Gander

Simon Gander
Simon Gander
Specialises in:
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Fat Loss
  • Strength and mobility
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Steve Marinakis

Steve Marinakis
Steve Marinakis
Specialises in:
  • Mindset
  • Building Muscle and Losing Fat (Optimum Body Composition)
  • Getting Clients To Make and adhere To Good Habits
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Steven Kapellos

Steven Kapellos
Steven Kapellos
Specialises in:
  • Acute & chronic injury management
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Cardiac health
  • Metabolic health & diabetes management
  • Athletic skill performance
  • Strength Training
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Tom Bellak

Tom Bellak
Tom Bellak
Specialises in:
  • Strength & Hypertrophy
  • Body Composition
  • Time Under Tension Training
  • Muscular Endurance Training
  • Conditioning
  • Nutrition Guidance & Plans
  • Member Education
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Tom Halsey

Tom Halsey
Tom Halsey
Specialises in:
  • Body Weight Training
  • Rehabilitation
  • Strength Movements
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Vesna Gorgieva

Vesna Gorgieva
Vesna Gorgieva
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Nutrition
  • Performance
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Zoe Papas

Zoe Papas
Zoe Papas
Specialises in:
  • Strength
  • Mobility
  • Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation
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