Recently, we got the whole company together to celebrate our past 10 years and look ahead to all the exciting things we have coming up in the future.
During this time, we recognised nine One Playground record holders who have achieved the highest level in their respective fields across various departments and skills over the last 10 years.
We’re very proud of all of our Great Humans but these nine have truly gone above and beyond in their respective fields across membership, coaching and group training.
Thank you all for your incredible dedication and hard work. Here’s to a decade of excellence and many more to come!
Introducing the One Playground Record Holders
Membership Team
Most Re-Engagements: Liss Paeste
Liis turned around 60 members who were at risk of cancellation and kept them as happy members in March this year. Way to go Liis!
Best Member Onboarding: Amelia Filip
Amelia’s onboarding experience is so great that in May 2023, 96% of new members continued with us beyond their first 30 days.
Most New Members AND Most New Clients: James Abboud
James took home two records, one for the most new members signed up, a huge 244 in May 2023, and the most new PT clients, signing up 46 in August 2023.
Coaching Team
Most Productive Coach: Alessandro Sciamanna
Alessandro was busy back in November 2022 when he led a whopping 264 PT sessions in just one month.
Best Serivce: Tom Bellak
Tom took this award for the most PT sessions completed without any cancellations. Out of 223 sessions in September 2022, zero cancelled!
Most New Clients: Natalie Woods
Natalie holds the record for the most new members led through a PT session in a month with 22 in February 2021.
Group Training Team
Best Member Feedback: Sienna Egan
Sienna’s member ratings are always high, especially in September 2023 when she received a huge 112 5-star reviews in that month alone.
Most Classes Instructed: Colleen Anthony
April 2022 was a busy month for Colleen who taught 204 amazing classes.
Special Award
Best Dressed Club: Marrickville
Last but not least, we called Marrickville Club Manager, Kariem, up to collect the Best Dressed award on behalf of his club. This award was given for the Marrickville coaches’ epic costumes during our 2023 Christmas party. Check out the Vikings below: